Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I FLIPPIN' HEART E3 2009!!!! <3<3<3<3

Oh, my, gawd. The Electronic Entertainment Expo has kicked ass so far, I mean, a new Halo Trilogy Based off of the Fall Of Reach, A Metal Gear game for the 360 (which is great since I'm a 360'er), this new form of motion control camera which sounds pwnsome (, Left 4 Friggin Dead 2!, Crackdown 2, A new Splinter Cell which actually looks alright.
I recall not too long ago saying that 2009 has been a shitty year for gaming, I now take that back.

Monday, June 1, 2009


What the living fuck is wrong with teenagers these days?! This is even worse considering I'm 15 years old, making me a teenager, oh and did I tell you, THAT FUCKING HUNK OF SHIT TWILIGHT ADAPTION BEAT SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE AND THE DARK KNIGHT AT BEST PICTURE AT THE MTV MOVIE AWARDS??!!
How it is anyone could even consider that as a good movie?, actually, anyone who even considers it as a movie is a fucking dumbass.
Its a bad movie, okay, I thought I was watching a made for TV movie while I was watching it, with its god awful special effects which at times even made me laugh out loud, terrible cinematography, absolutely horrendous acting (hell I could act better than that, if only my drama group was still on) and just all round bad directing.
It was critically panned, (As evidenced by the change of directors for the sequel (oh god no) and the 49% "ROTTEN" rating on rotten tomatoes) and slumdog and TDK were both amazing movies, the fact that anyone of any age considers Twilight better than the two of them is just...UGH...I don't even have a word to describe it, so I'll just use one of my made up ones, stoopittarted.
Now its not so much that the movie won the award, its that a marjority of people actually though it was better than Slumdog and TDK, proving that todays youth are the stupidest creatures that have ever roamed this little blue planet, as a hardcore moviebuff, and a non-idiotic person under the age of 24, I just had to address this, this generation of kids are stupid. And have no sense of a good movie...

Sunday, May 31, 2009


YAAYY!, While my proposed Star Trek review is taking longer than I expected, I swear to god this shit is really happening, basicly, starting on the 6th on june, I'll be comparing three bad things of anything, games, movies whatever, and whichever is the shittiest wins the gold, and this keeps going for a week till I decide the shittiest of 2009, its gonna be an unmissable event your probally not ever gonna experience since no-one reads my blog! YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!
Oh and the star trek review will be posted, eventually.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Coming tomorrow: Star Trek Movie review


Word of the day: Zomgotropolis

A city where every run around slapping their hands to their faces yelling "ZOMG" every time something interesting happens.


The image that I posted with my gay tony post didn't appear becuase IGN are assholes, go f@#% yourselves IGN, go f___ing F^&* yourselves...
(seriously whats the use of having the embed if you can't use it?)